Scott the sunset was Thursday 30 April. Best colours after the sun has gone.
This is the time of year now, where I keep grumbling about no rain. It's often cloudy, feels like rain, but doesn't. Please ignore me if I go on a bit...
The virus has barely made a difference. The cafe has closed, that's all. Oh yes, the pubs, but rarely go unless an event.
I honestly wouldn't know anything had happened in the wider world, except that I'm a news junkie that spends far too much time reading unacceptable sources.
Shopping has been easier, and nicer. No jostling crowds, cleaner trolleys, and nice clean checkout conveyors.
I have a little bit of a food garden started. Lots of chillies (too easy), a few feral tomatoes & basil, & a few small lettuce I haven't killed yet.
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