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Posted by: scott123 Offline Posted: Sunday, 10 March 2024 6:58:35 PM(UTC)
94.5mm here ..most of today has been pretty nice without much rain at all...

yeah isnt it just crazy the way the topography can make such a huge difference to rainfall...I find the 24 hr totals page on BOM very interesting reading comparing the different locations and relatively big differences in total in sometimes quite close proximity..though you usually have an idea which spots seem to cop the biggest totals more regularly...Bunyips place seems to be one of those and Yasified shacks, who doesnt post here anymore, also does, living just over the hill from me but further back into the mountains...

so what does the week ahead have in store..?...The forecasts I am looking at suggest a general drying out as the week progresses but very monsoonal right along the very top end with possibility of cyclones...

I have to go away for a week so have had to school the missus in the water and irrigation valve setup which really isnt complicated but I'd prefer a bit of rain every day so she doesnt have to go through changing things around and watering potted plants which require daily water in the event of a dry day..I tried to keep instructions simple anyway..

Lucky guy Bunyip that should make for some interesting night hunting ..I just use a shotgun with a magnetic mount under the bottom barrel and an O-light but with my horrible night vision I sometimes dont take the shot as it can bes hard to be 100% sure its a hog particularly with so much long grass and plants about ..I have a little black piglike staffy and plenty of close neighbors with dogs also ...

Anyway have a good week folks and hopefully we see no cyclones..
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