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Posted by: scott123 Offline Posted: Sunday, 2 June 2024 3:33:41 PM(UTC)
Originally Posted by: FNQ Bunyip Go to Quoted Post

Followed Reed for a number of years, His enthusiasm for getting into a twister is catchy, That feeling of being poo scared at the same
time as being totally invincible and adrenaline pumping through your veins must be something else..


yeah bunyip i'm not as convinced as you about the invincibility of the Dominator 3 ..

I wonder how a heavy object with a 4x2 or star picket or some other pointy thing attached to it will go against that uncovered windsceen and windows...even toughened grass or double windows will still yield to something pointy thrown at 300clicks or more surely.....i also think it should have been built with a lower profile...building on a taller F truck chassis means there is a lot of windage when side on making it more vulnerable to being blown onto its side I'd reckon..

His latest vid shows some pretty extensive damage putting the Dominator out of business for the rest of the season from just hitting a deer at just 100Km/h or less i'd say..wonder how would it go if that same deer hit at over 300 clicks and hit the windscreen first..

same as a cyclone , its not so much the wind that bothers me, its the flying debris that most frightens me...

Just for perspective, so to "legally" own a crossbow I had to do a 8 hour safety course last week even though i already have a firearms licence but in other categories .....average bolt speed of a decent crossbow is around 400 km/h...Tornado's can reach 500 km'h..

Anyway some light showers here this morning too 28..though its turned into a cracking day

Forecast for mostly sunny all next week with cooler night next weekend...yippee we might actually get some decent dry season weather now..

Over 200 mm for the week Ron so everything is a swamp down this way..i was driving out around some banana farms on friday and it was like rows of little long banana islands in a chocolate sea...water just laying deep everywhere down the rows and headlands..!
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