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Posted by: Aussie Girl Offline Posted: Thursday, 10 October 2024 7:56:33 PM(UTC)
Originally Posted by: Colmait Go to Quoted Post
The same can be said for Morayfield. It was not up to scratch and posed quite a risk for many residents and business owners. For whatever failure on the part of BoM may have been, it needs to be rectified rapidly as we head into storm season.

Tonight's news showed the damage to properties in Morayfield and mentioned that the Moreton Bay City Council is demanding answers as to why there were no BOM warnings for that storm.

There was substantial damage to a number of business properties and the SES received 90 calls for help in Moreton Bay area. Thankfully no one was injured but it could have quite easily been a different story as this article on the ABC News website shows. Here is an extract from the article:

"In Morayfield, the ceiling of Red Dragon Martial Arts centre caved-in under heavy rain.

Brisbane martial arts trainer Arryn Cox said he used himself as a "human shield" to protect his nine-year-old student as the roof of the studio collapsed.

"I basically used myself to cover her just as the ceiling started to fall down, thankfully she was safe and not injured" he said.

"It was a case of where I wasn't thinking or feeling and just went into protection mode".

Owner Brett Fenton said the studio was full of students when the rain poured through.

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