Hi Aussie Girl. With the jet streams becoming more wavier, I have put a link to a youtube with an explanation of what it means without anyone getting political etc. It is from the British Meteorological Office. Jet streams basically are meant to have a slow curve as they circulate the planet both in the Northern and Southern hemisphere. This is part of one of the earths mechanisms that regulates the planets heat and cold and drives our weather patterns. But for some time these jet stream waves/curves have become more like a violent set of tall waves at sea with the period or interval between each wave becoming very close together. This results in the weather becoming more intense and extreme. I try and put weather into simple terms otherwise it can become a technical jargon essay to read. And as one Queensland meteorologist who became a lecturer at the St Lucia Uni basically said., weather should be explained or presented in ways that everyone can understand. ?si=ZC37P8AbYhxjqOCV The Day After Tomorrow is an excellent movie. There was a 2 disk set that I managed to get, one with the movie and the second with the technical explanations by scientist of what is happening and why. As they said, they had to put all the action unfortunately into one City, New York. But interesting, nearly everything that has happened in the movie in New York, except for the exceptionally high tsunami and instant freeze, has actually happened in New York before and after the movie. From a small Tsunami, floods, Hurricane that was followed by a massive Snow Storm ( a massive jet-stream wave), plus a long and interesting list of other weather events. Hopefully the link works.
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