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The people these government department problems always affect the most are the people in the bush. I remember my grandparents who lived in Mt Garnet all their lives always complaining about not getting the services people get in the big city. Nothing has changed.
YTD: 2033.5mm
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Agree with most of that Scott. Don't get me started on inner city leftists - it's not just Australia. I do think the BOM and ABC have suffered badly due to funding cuts over the last ten years or so, but that doesn't excuse ABC's behaviour. I stopped watching ABC and SBS over 20 years ago, except for ABC in disasters. As for the weather. Blue skies, blue skies, blue skies. The occasional white cloud. A build up in the west late afternoon which disappears with the sun. Pleasant temps the last few days. Cool nights and early mornings. Drying out, of course. Edited by user Monday, 7 August 2023 4:58:26 PM(UTC)
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21mm here this morning. A couple of quite heavy showers last night, could actually hear them on the roof. Still cool at 20°C.
Radar could be back today, maybe.
YTD: 2054mm
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Another wet night early morning left 24mm in the gauge.
Yeah the sooner they defund the ABC totally the better, and the BoM could do with a bit of a shake up as well. Yes their funding got cut but they spend far to much on consultants and outside stuff and not concentrate on delivering a weather service. Super computers that don't work ect ect ...
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12:40pm and the RADAR is back and working. Hopefully it stays that way.
Woke to blue skies, now it's overcast again. Fair cool, sweater weather, thankfully the wind has settled down, for now.
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However many weeks upgrading the radar and now we have a white splodge between Moore Reef and the coast that won’t go away.
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Okay, things have settled down medically here a bit and I feel a tad more loquacious (If I were a lesbian I wouldn't have to worry about prostates.. interesting thought).
So he feels strong and picks up the chainsaw (it's a guy thing) so I point him at the decades old orchard and it, well, all of six trees, get cut back to a three foot stump. That'll larn 'em to grow outta sight where we get nuttin and the wildlife, sheesh, everything, including the borers and moths etc. (They're actually sprouting shoots but I have got spares planted closer to the house for better supervision) I need to paint the house if only to find out where the previous coats have given up the ghost and become porous. Mixing partly filled colours from the tip I get just what I dearly wanted, terracotta, however, it's only one full can so muggsy paints the front with a two inch brush by hand. That's okay because with my reading glasses I can see every miss in the render I did long years ago, whereas with a roller I'd be standing back, blind. Plus loading the absorbent roller takes almost half the darned can and I can't spare it. However, in a break in the drizzle (see, am on topic with a weather word) I go up on the concrete roof which also suffers but as no none can see it I empty cans of various colours and spread em around with a roller working my way back to the ladder. Now only a passing chopper or drone can see its wide random patches of purple, lime green and blue.
Oh, and Weary, surely that white streak is oncoming snow:?
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Good to see you back Dormant.
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Hi Dormant. It looks like the BOM just upgraded the radar in time for the dry season. The weather has turned spring like all of a sudden. A great day here today with no rain in sight.
YTD: 2066mm
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Hot day today. Borderline cool tonight.
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The sun is out for the second day in a row , yippee Better get busy, lawns to mow, spraying to be done.
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Thanks 28. Hello Mr Mist. That was an 'interesting' 16C this morning as predicted. Walked into the sunshine and it felt marvellous.
Yeah, Bunyip, took up the paintbrush again this morning but am so not starting at the expected 7am. You must have managed between showers to paint your place already, clever you, I missed it.
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Nice to see you back Dormant and that things at home are as good as can be expected.. I also have to prune back plenty of trees including those Fiji longans from your seed......I have been waiting a year for a new battery from Husqvarna for the pole saw and finally arrived so that will be fun.. Wow hasnt the weather turned it onthis week and it is like spring SM......and the wind has dropped away to nothing here..should be out sprayinhg like bunyip but just waiting for a back ailment to feel a bit better before heading out for a fish...I took some wwoofers out last week on the little Hull river and saw 6-7 crocs including 3 between 3-4 metres sunning themselves within 200m of the Tully heads coastguard building and campground.. https://www.facebook.com...8323896/1702626250198514I tried my hardest one time to convince a couple of middle aged German Tourists to get out of the water where they were swimming out in the deep channel next to the Coastguard less then 100m from one of these beasts..Of course they knew better then me and thought I was having them on... Do we think thats the end of the main rain..?
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Originally Posted by: scott123  Do we think thats the end of the main rain..? Think it might be. Pressure maps changed radically last few days. Those enormous highs have disappeared. All the humidity has disappeared from the atmosphere out here. 20% right now. Everything gets brittle, including me...
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Thanks, Scott. So lovely to see in the morning that the radar is clear and any chore I've put off is possible. Course, then we all overdo it but it's a good weariness. Only tree I have left of that family, Scott is a pulasan with a foot wide trunk now only standing.
Some people you just can't tell re dangers, they stand close to the water at the ferry after walking past a warning sign. I almost get ready with my camera but if anything happened I'd never get home till dark so I don't hope for an exclusive.
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Beautiful weather at the moment, still a bit cool at night though. Hopefully it keeps up until a good start to the storm season in Oct/Nov.
I think a lot of people/tourists don't realise how dangerous these crocodiles are. The signs are there for a reason.
YTD: 2066mm
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Originally Posted by: Dormant  Thanks, Scott. So lovely to see in the morning that the radar is clear and any chore I've put off is possible. Course, then we all overdo it but it's a good weariness. Only tree I have left of that family, Scott is a pulasan with a foot wide trunk now only standing.
Some people you just can't tell re dangers, they stand close to the water at the ferry after walking past a warning sign. I almost get ready with my camera but if anything happened I'd never get home till dark so I don't hope for an exclusive.
Weary off topic but how did you find your pulasan tree was it productive? I have two in the ground both are too small to fruit yet but they certainly dont grow as vigorously as my rambutan trees. Did you prefer pulasan taste over rambutan ? |
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Almost a week without rain now. Looks like the cooler nights are coming to an end this week. Could be a bit of rain in some places.
That bloke fishing in the Russell River with 'Clyde the Crocodile' looking on couldn't be that stupid could he. Maybe photoshopped.
YTD: 2066mm
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Hiya GT, good question. lol We long ago gave up on lychees and such like, too high, too many predators. But this pulasan, because it was along the boundary, we let grow, and it sure did. It flowers at times but I can't recall a crop. Heck, I'm not even sure it's a pulasan though it does have lighter leaves, yet a stalk of flowers similarly, so not a lychee., I got it when the Rare Fruit Council was active in Mossman long years ago. Was painful to have partner chainsaw while carrying some flowers but figgered it might come back with renewed vigour. So I guess that's no answer to you at all!.
Sitting here with cold feet - but if that's all the winter we're going to have I'm very grateful for the rains to this point. When we arrived here in 1987 I was shocked to find we have usually quite a long period of dry between July-November and while we have always an ample supply of water it got real boring keeping fruit trees watered. Disturbing were the cracks in the ground that developed with contraction and while only slightly crisp underfoot in the lawns not nearly as dry as back across the river.
I always had the impression the tropics got afternoon showers all year round like Florida etc, haha. No such luck, so each dry we're all wondering if fires are going to break out, hence keeping Sentinel in my bookmarks. A couple have come close but I was told the canopy is always too moist to really take off - I hold that thought.
See, asking me a question I tend to babble, you'all are forewarned.
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Well wasn't that just a beautiful week weather wise. :) Winds are back up and overcast cloud has returned this morning :( A shower or 2 next week won't hurt though as I have been watering the gardens lol ..
I see our little anomaly out at Moore Reef is back , so much for a upgrade of the radar..
No Dormant , still plenty of painting here to do even a new roof here on the ground waiting to go up but the season just didn't give me a break and I've had a new hip fitted and that was slowing me down a bit but I'm back doing a bit and hoping to get on top of a few jobs before next wet.
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